Okay, so maybe I’m telling on myself a bit in this post.  Yes, indeed girlfriend.  We all have seen articles written about  things to do in the morning or suggestions on putting together a morning routine.  These routines are to help us gain productive habits, but I want to discuss something different.

So, just like adding good habits makes you productive, so does reducing or even taking away bad habits.

The energy you start your morning off with will be carried into other aspects of your day.

Girl…YOU know what I’m talking about like hitting the snooze button, to scrolling through your Facebook feeds, so here are six things YOU…or should I say…WE should try to STOP doing after waking-up in the morning.

  1. STOP hitting the snooze button: We seem to think that by hitting the snooze button multiple times it is making things better.  What it’s really doing is putting us in a position to rush.  That extra 5-10 minutes realistically is still never enough time.  Multiple hits can turn into an hour or more so, now… you’re rushing and late.  I’ve broken out of this bad habit and I have to admit it sure makes me feel good in the morning.  Rushing to get to work and feeling out of sorts is a thing of the past for me.
  2. STOP checking social media & emails:  I’m raising my hand in the pretend classroom, because this is my worse bad habit.  What starts off with I’m just checking in for 5 minutes turns into 30-45 minutes of mindless scrolling or watching multiple YouTube videos.  There is very little that needs to be addressed as soon as we wake-up.  Therefore, do things for yourself before you check social media or emails.
  3. STOP not preparing the night before.  I’m guilty again.  Picking out your clothes, making your lunch, cutting fruit for your smoothie, etc are things that could be done the night before. We should do our best to set ourselves up for success by planning our day the night before and this will intern free up some extra time in the morning.
  4. STOP complaining.  How many of you start your day by complaining about hating to get up early, how you dread going to work or even how tired you might feel.  Negative energy attracts negativity.  I believe this to be so true.  So, much so. I start my day off with gratitude.  This could be for 5 – 15 minutes in the morning.  This has been the 2nd biggest game changer for me.  I have so much inner peace that even my most chaotic “ham sandwich” of a day, doesn’t leave me feeling like the situations in my life controlled me.
  5. STOP eating an unhealthy breakfast or not eat at all:  I have always thought breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Eating the wrong thing or not eating at all can make you feel sluggish, constipated, light headed, etc.  Ladies, watch what you’re putting in your mouth.  YOU want your morning to benefit you and not be a deficit.
  6. STOP Drinking caffeine right away:  This doesn’t mean you have to cut out a good hot cup of coffee, latte or expresso.  It just means… don’t drink it immediately when you wake.  So, instead of it giving a good old jolt of energy in the morning it actually may leave you feeling groggy.  Try waiting until a little later in the morning to enjoy your hot cut of coffee.

2 Responses

    • Thank you for reading my post. Have to admit that sometimes I get in the way of my own views. I hope that you were able to take away something useful.

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