They say we are always growing and learning. And, with that being said I must agree. Ladies, ladies, ladies…. I put on my big girl panties over the last two months. Thank you for being so patient with me.

Where Have I Been?

Friends, your girl had a full plate of food and I had to take little bits in order to get through it all. Y’all, I wasn’t overwhelmed with what I had to do, but I did have to make some tough choices as to what I could continue to do. Thus, that brings us to where I am now. Ensuring that I give my readers insight into what’s been happening with me.

Experiencing Loss

The normal course of life brings us in the world. We then fulfill the dash in between birth and death. Subsequently, the impact in which we live our life will be played out upon our death. A wife, mother, grand-mother, sister, and friend claimed her wings in the month of June. Not only did this beautiful woman of God unselfishly give me pointers, instruction, and support to be a teacher with creative integrity, but she also silently through her sickness found time to read and support my writing. She was encouraging and engaged. As she looks down from heaven at all of us who were blessed to have had the opportunity to hear her voice. I can feel her push to be FEARLESS in my purpose.

New Beginnings

God’s love for us is seen through so much of our lives. I officially relocated one hour and thirty minutes away from my family and friends. I did not make this decision out of an immature rebellious place, but through prayer, time , and consistency I saw things just fall easily in place. Furthermore, I can say I trust that voice inside me. You know that voice that sounds like you, but makes sense even if you choice not to listen. Yeah, that voice that God has equipped us with even before we decided that a relationship with him is a necessity to our lives. I listened and moved with purpose.

What’s Next

I am excited to announce that along with my blog posts on my Allenia Renee Writes website. I have also started a YouTube Channel “Allenia’s World” The channel will be a fun perspective through my eyes dealing with faith, lifestyle, food and travel. Click on the subscribe button and the notification bell so that you will be notified every time I upload a new video. Lastly, you will have the opportunity to see some snippets from our July Trip to Mexico and so much more.


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